Eclipse Photos
HAO Atoll, French Polynesia

HOME Totalr Solar Eclipse 2010.7.11 HAO Sola Eclipses Observed/Experienced

2nd contact Diamond Ring Effect
3rd contact Diamond Ring Effect
2nd contact 3rd contact left:  Shadow Bands on a thin cloud layer.

Projected onto the cloud layer, the shadow bands are parallel to the very thin solar crescent behind the Moon's edge.

below: Shadow Bands after totality with processing emboss filter
               The Corona between moving clouds with Hi-Vision Video Camera

befor totality
with grating

Composite of 10 images
TS FC-50 (D=50mm, f/8)
Canon EOS kiss X3

Composite Corona with LASCO/C2 image

Composite image of the partial phases and totality

Eclipse landscape
with handheld compact camera

GPS Clock

HOME Total Solar Eclipse 2010.7.11 HAO Sola Eclipses Observed/Experienced